Go to http://magick.net4tv.com

Click Use Net4TV MagickStudio now.

Click on the example image, you are taken to the View page.

Under the rose image change the Paint Attributes to:

Change Paint Type to: Color

Change Method to: Replace

Delete the 0 in the box under fuzz and put in 999999

Leave the other settings as they are, highlight the rose and click on it

From the tabs at the top of the page select: Resize

Delete what is in the box under Image Size, and put in 697x540!

You must use the exclamation mark!

Zoom should already be selected, make sure it is selected

Click the button Resize

From the tabs at the top of the page select: Annotate

Enter your text in the text box. You may put more than one line in, just hit return or enter.

As a rule of thumb, a Point Size of 72 is one inch. The width of your word, and how many lines it is determines how large a Point Size setting you can use.

Number of lines

Point Size

Gravity Setting

Location Setting


220 to 240




170 to 190


+0+190 to +0+210


110 to 130


+0+130 to +0+150

Choose your font, I like Impact to make a bold statement, Ariel is okay when you are not demanding things.

Choose the color of your text (The Fill Color) Using Black is cheapest.

The other settings: Stroke Color, Box Color, Density, and Stroke width are fine as they are.

You will get a feel for things after you play with MagickStudio for a while. There are a few tricks to pass on to you, the first 0 in the location setting is called X and it tells MagickStudio how many pixels from the left to put your text. The second 0 is called Y and it determines how many pixels from the top to place your text.

Any time you do not like the results, you can always undo your last action with the back button.

For some reason if you do not delete everything in the Location Setting box you will get a +0+0 result even if the box shows something different.

You can change the Gravity setting to align the text at nine compass headings:










Notice the Gravity Settings above, they were towards the top or center. When using Center for one line you do not need to adjust the Location Settings, BUT for two and three lines you have to adjust the Y setting roughly 20 to 30 pixels larger than the Point Size number. MagickStudio adds spaces between each line; you have to “play” with the numbers to “balance” your sign's white space to text appearance.

When satisfied with your sign's appearance, From the tabs at the top of the page select: Transform

From the Transforms, choose Rotate Right.

Now your text is sideways.

From the tabs at the top of the page select: Output

For Format select: jpg or gif

For Storage Type select: single file, the other settings leave alone

Click the Output button

Highlight the Sign, Click on it, and Print!

No need to transload, and you didn’t even need a white gif or jpg to start with!